
CLAUDIA CAZA c'est ma façon de partager ma passion pour une cuisine simple, originale en accord avec un style de vie alliant recherche du bien-être et plaisirs gourmands pour toute la famille. Venez découvrir mes recettes, essayer mes idées santé (bio, sans gluten, ou sans lactose, fait maison).

Almendrados from Andalucia

Almendrados from Andalucia

A classic of southern Spain for the holiday season, made 100% with almonds from which it takes its name, almendrado is a very popular biscuit in Andalusia.

Very easy to do, requiring few ingredients, it is perfect to offer Christmas or accompany your coffee / tea.

Ingredients for about 18 almendrados

  • 300 gr of almond powder

  • 150 gr of sugar

  • 2 eggs

  • zest of 1 lemon

  • 18 whole almonds


1 cookie sheets and parchment paper


Preheat oven to 350 ° F (180 ° C).

  1. Beat the eggs and the sugar. Gradually add the almond powder, and mix.

  2. Add the lemon peel and mix. Let the dough rest for 10 minutes.

  3. Form small balls of dough 3 cm in diameter, crush them slightly by depositing an almond and put them on a plate. The biscuit should be about 1 cm high, and smooth (do not hesitate to put a little fat in the hands).

  4. Bake for about 15 minutes at 350 ° F (180 ° C) until the biscuit is lightly browned.

Blueberry and lemon cake

Blueberry and lemon cake

Salty cake, shrimp and dill

Salty cake, shrimp and dill