
CLAUDIA CAZA c'est ma façon de partager ma passion pour une cuisine simple, originale en accord avec un style de vie alliant recherche du bien-être et plaisirs gourmands pour toute la famille. Venez découvrir mes recettes, essayer mes idées santé (bio, sans gluten, ou sans lactose, fait maison).

Red raspberry, cheesecake without cooking

Red raspberry, cheesecake without cooking

How to resist a good cheesecake?

I propose today a version without cooking.

The base is often made with speculoos. However, intolerance to gluten requires, I opted for a raw base composed of nuts and dried fruits.

Finally, for lactose intolerant, you can opt for Philadelphia without lactose, or a vegan version.

In short, you will have the choice between a classic version and a vegan version with raw cashew nuts (see the recipe below).

Ingredients for the classic version (for about 6 people)

  • 300 gr from Philadelphia

  • 100 gr raspberries

  • 150 ml whipping cream (or Fleurette cream)

  • 100 gr of sugar

  • 10 g of gelatin (leaves or agar-agar)

  • Juice and grated zest of 2 limes / limes

  • Use a removable mold 18 cm (7 ") in diameter

Ingredients for the base

  • 110 gr of Brazil nuts or hazelnuts

  • 100 g diced dried apricots

  • 50 gr of dried dates diced

  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla

Ingredients for the cover (raspberry jelly)

  • 250 gr raspberries

  • 3 tablespoons agave or maple syrup

  • 4 g of gelatin (leaf or agar-agar)

Preparation for the version with Philadelphia

  1. Line the baking paper with parchment paper to facilitate demolding.

  2. For the base, grind all ingredients from the base to the food processor until you get a crust.

  3. Line the bottom of the mold with the granular crust and squeeze it hard. Book in the fridge.

  4. Dissolve the gelatin (according to the instructions specific to the chosen product), and reserve.

  5. In a blender, mix Philadelphia and cream. Then add the lemon, raspberries and sugar. Mix everything. Finally add the gelatin.

  6. Pour the mixture on the base and put in the fridge.

Then you can proceed to the preparation of the cover (raspberry jelly):

  1. Dissolve the gelatin (according to the instructions specific to the chosen product).

  2. Blend the ingredients (raspberries, agave or maple syrup) in a blender and cook for 1 to 2 minutes in a saucepan.

  3. Switch to Chinese if you want to take out the small beans.

  4. Add the gelatin of your choice, and mix. Let cool about 15 minutes.

Take the cheesecake out of the fridge and pour the raspberry jelly you just made. Put the cheesecake back in the fridge for 4 hours. When serving, you can sprinkle with fresh raspberries.


Recipe version VEGAN


  • 200 gr of raw cashew nuts (or 200 gr of cashew nut puree)

  • 150 gr raspberries

  • 125 ml of coconut milk

  • 2 tablespoons of coconut oil (room temperature)

  • juice of 2 limes / limes

  • 1 spoon of natural vanilla essence (without alcohol) or scraped vanilla pod

  • 40 ml of agave syrup (or maple syrup)

  • Use a 15 cm (6 ") diameter mold

Ingredients for the base

  • 110 gr of Brazil nuts or hazelnuts

  • 100 g diced dried apricots

  • 50 gr of dried dates diced

  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla

Ingredients for the cover

  • 250 gr raspberries

  • 3 tablespoons agave or maple syrup

Preparation for the vegan version

  1. In hot water, soak the cashews overnight (or 4 hours before making). You can skip this step if you have cashew nut puree.

  2. Line the mold with parchment paper or food film to facilitate demolding.

  3. For the base, grind all ingredients from the base to the food processor until you get a crust.

  4. Line the bottom of the mold with the granular crust and squeeze it hard. Book in the fridge.

  5. Drain and mix cashews (or mashed potatoes) with raspberries, coconut oil, agave syrup, lemon juice, coconut milk and vanilla until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. .

  6. Pour the mixture on the base and put in the fridge.

Then you can proceed to the preparation of the cover (raspberry jelly):

  1. Blend the ingredients (raspberries, agave syrup or maple syrup).

  2. Switch to Chinese if you want to take out the small beans.

  3. Pour on the cheesecake.

  4. Cover the top with food film.

  5. Refrigerate 4 to 6 hours.

  6. Take out 10 to 15 minutes before serving and cut the cheesecake from the fridge.

  7. When serving, you can sprinkle with fresh raspberries.


Small salted puddings with sweet potatoes and coconut milk

Small salted puddings with sweet potatoes and coconut milk